We bridge the gap between you and new building technologies.

Who We Are

At Siteline360, we have an intimate knowledge of the building industry. We understand its process and the potential issues that can occur during a project. That’s why we focus on the strategic adoption of technologies and services that will help improve the industry and your business.

Our 3D scanning, BIM conversion, CAD conversion, and BIM coordination services, individually and collectively, contribute to the success of any project. These services, when executed during various stages of your project, provide accuracy, improve efficiency, and promote communication and collaboration.

The Value of Working with Us

More and more Architects, Engineers, and Contractors see the impact of 3D Scanning and BIM modeling on the building industry, mostly when utilized early in a project.

Investing in these new technologies can be expensive. Not everybody has the budget for it, the time to learn it, or the personnel to use it. If you can relate to any of these scenarios, you know how difficult it is to keep your business competitive.

Siteline360 helps you stay competitive by filling those voids. We offer three scanning package options to meet your budget and technology geekiness or lack thereof. And with our team of BIM and CAD specialists ready to assist you throughout the lifecycle of your project, you’ll have accurate measurements at your fingertips, detect clash issues early on, reduce change orders and keep projects on schedule. We make the technology entry point easier for you so you can be more profitable.

The Cost of Construction Mistakes

By incorporating 3D scanning early into a project’s lifecycle, you can improve efficiency and avoid costly mistakes.


The total impact of rework can be estimated more accurately to 9.07% of Total Project Cost.*


Poor communication + poor access to project data accounted for $31.3 Billion of rework costs in 2018 in the US market.*


"Siteline360 provided accurate, detailed, and timely 3d scanning for our two recent historic restorations projects. The intricacies of detailing were completely captured in the scans. This saved us weeks of field measuring time, provided more information than we could ever document by hand measuring, and will help us avoid costly change orders during construction for unforeseen conditions."

Tracy S. Kozak
JSA Design